WBC Team Powerlifting
Event Registration
Saturday, October 26th
9AM – 12PM
Wisco Barbell Club
539 Tasman St
Madison, WI
Contact us at:
Event Outline
What to expect at a powerlifting meet
Check in starts at 9am
Sign in as you enter, if your full team has not arrived please indicate who will be joining you.
If you do not have a preset team, staff will provide you with additional individuals
Verify what lift you will be performing.
Warm up 9am-10am
There will be several warm up areas for each lift.
Warm-ups may continue as lifting begins, but please be courteous to those attempting their lifts. (no excessive dropping of weights)
Warm-up wisely as you have one attempt
Greeting/Rules 9:45am
We will start as close to 10am as possible
Event rules (rules are posted below)
We will take a group photo of all lifters and staff
Lifting 10:00am
You will be allowed one attempt at your lift, if this is your first ever powerlift meet judges may allow a second attempt.
Once your lift is complete feel free to stick around and cheer on your friends and other competitors
Photos will be taken and will be shared with all participants
Final Announcements
Winners will be announce once the final lift has been completed
Event Rules
How to make your lift to count
General Rules:
Judge has complete discretion over if a lift counts
We can take videos of the lift and review it
Warm-up before your lift, warm-up areas will be designated.
One attempt on your lift
Equipment is allowed (Ex: Lifting Belt, Straps, Wraps, Elbow/ Knee Sleeves)
You can bring any of your own
You can use the gyms, but we don’t have everything
Shoes are required for all lifts
For Squat and Bench, you must unrack weight in full lock out position and wait for the cue from your judge before completing the lift.
For Deadlift, once reaching full lock out position you must receive confirmation from judge before controlling the bar back to the floor
Must break parallel depth
Crease of hips below top of knees before ascending
Once ascending, bar must be controlled with no bounce or loss of alignment (i.e. chest drops and bar falls lower, feet come out of alignment stepping in any direction)
Feet must be flat on the floor
Uperback and butt must be in contact with the bench at all times during the lift.
Bar must touch the chest with an obvious pause at the bottom.
Judge must confirm the pause before completing the lift
Fully extend arms to full lock out before returning to a racked position.
No extreme arching
Conventional and Sumo stance are both allowed
Bar must be moved in one continuous motion.
Must fully lock out at the top of the lift. Knees and hips should be extended, with shoulders back.
Return the bar to the floor with both hands staying in contact with the bar.
No Hitching or Ramping (supporting bar on thighs during lift)